There has been a lot going on recently, and I haven't had the motivation to blog about it. But my dear friend Melissa told me I needed to so here I am.
First things first, we sold the Jeep. Not for what we were asking, but we were still able to pay it off and have money left over to go toward a new car.
We finally have two cars; John's FJ, and the Honda that I wanted and loved. (Pictured below).
Funny story. Kind of not, but I'll tell it anyway.
So John and I picked up the Honda on a Friday, and because we bought it from a private seller we had to go to the DMV. Since the state of Utah has the lovely 4 day work week, there is only one DMV open on Fridays and that it the office in Draper, out by the prison. Yippee skipee. We hadn't registered the FJ yet so we figured we'd just do both at the same time. So, we drove all the way out there (with no license plates) and got there and registered the FJ and then gave the Bill of Sale for the Honday to the lady at the DMV when she told us that it was invalid because there was white out on it. GREAT. Thank you lady. It wasn't just something we could fix quickly, seeing as the people we bought the car from live up north around Logan. So we had to wait until Monday. We still drove the Honda all weekend, we figured we'd just keep the bill of sale for if we got pulled over. John went and got a new bill of sale signed Monday, so Tuesday morning we got up at the butt crack of dawn to go to the DMV before work. Because it was Tuesday we didn't have to drive so far this time; we left our house right around seven in the AM and we got about 2 blocks away from our house when we got pulled over.
I drove the car all weekend without plates and ON THE WAY to the DMV we get pulled over for not having plates. John explained to the officer that we had just purchased it, and where we were headed, but I don't think he completely understood the process, he kept asking where the plates were. John gave him the bill of sale, his license, and our insurance policy number (because the car was insured, we just didn't have the card yet) so the PO checked John's record and then let us on our way, thank goodness.
Anyway, 900 dollars later, we got plates on the Honda.
Secondly. Broozer left on his mission. I cried my eyes out. I have been dreading the day since he opened his call, and it was definitely as hard as I thought it would be saying goodbye.
Everyone who was able to went to lunch before we headed down to Provo. Good ol' Chuck-o-Rama, only the Roos' favorite place to eat whenever we can.
I don't know why we chose to take the picture in front of the sign, maybe to remember that, that is where we ate? No clue.
The infamous Missionary Training Center sign. This was before we all started crying. We look happy to send him off, but I tell you, it was the worst thing ever. It honestly felt like he was dying. I hated every moment of it. I'm getting used to it though, I loved getting his first email and look every day for a letter. It's just like when I was writing missionaries whom I had dated and/or were friends with in high school. Except not, because he's my brother and that's weird.
Anyway, he's loving it. Within the first three days he totally got into full on missionary mode. His first email was insane, he sounded like he'd been out a year already.
If you're in Houston, please take care of him. Thanks.
Next, Daniel and Mandy are finally engaged. They are getting married August 16th, and we are very excited for them.
Her ring is gorgeous; and huge. They've started planning and I think she's already stressed out.
I don't miss that feeling.

This is from her rose passing in Beta. The only picture I have that they're both smiling.
Her eyes are closed. NBD.
John sold one of his bears! To Daniel's family, but still, it works!
If you didn't know, John decided one day that he was going to carve bears with a chain saw out of tree stumps. He actually is very talented.
How cute is this little guy?
If you're looking for a bear like this, for a cabin or for any other reason, he has more, and he is willing to custom make them.
I must give a shout out to my girl Mel Nash. BYU women's lacrosse won their tournament this weekend, and she scored the goal that tied, and won the game for them.
So, congrats lady!
And good luck at nationals next month!
A little inquiry for all of you out there. Rufus has learned to lift his leg and has started to pee on EVERYTHING. (He peed on my Mom's leg today...eek.) Does anyone know a remedy for this disgusting habit?