My baby is four months old. I'm not sure how I feel about that. All I can tell you, is that when people say they grow up really fast, they aren't lying. I was looking at the pictures from the day Ruby was born, and it feels like yesterday, but she has grown so much since that day, I can't even believe it.
Another thing I have learned after having a take so many more pictures than you ever have in your life. Seriously, my phone is constantly telling me I have no more storage space. So, prepare for photo overload.
Ruby's 1 month photo shoot. She HATED being naked, or even close to naked, so that is why she is crying....and, she wanted me to pick her up. Ha.
Ruby took her first trip to the lake in March. It also happened to be during March Madness, so we had to have her reppin' the Utes!
First St. Patrick's Day!
Also during March Madness. The day the U played (and lost) to Duke, actually. My sister took a bunch of different photos of her, and then she took a nap with Papa.
So glad that we got some pictures of her with Grandma Grow. Since this, Grandma has moved into a care facility and is battling some major dementia. It's sad to see someone you love so much living in such a distorted state of reality.
This was when she was first starting to smile. It was really more of a smirk.
Such a hooligan.
Our first Easter as a family of three.
Two months old!
More napping with Papa. Pretty much their MO.
Her first real blowout. It was kind of disgusting, and there was poop everywhere.
Check out that scowl. Totally gets that from her Mama.
Ruby's blessing was the first Sunday in May. John did such an amazing job! He was so worried that he was going to get up there, and start speaking Lativan, because he says all of his prayers in Lativan. But, he said it in English, and I was so impressed.
The first week of May was a busy one. The Tuesday after Ruby's blessing was Riley and Britian's wedding. Ruby was the star of the night in her cute little gold and cream dress. That Thursday was Tom's graduation from graduate school, and we attended that with Kati and my Mom. Rubs was such a champ, she just hung out during the graduation, and didn't even make a peep! Just watched all the people, and loved it.

May also marked my return to work. Pretty much the hardest thing I've done since she was born. So much worse than watching her get shots. Every morning this is what I leave; these two cuddling in bed. We are so blessed to have so much family that is not only close enough to watch her, but willing to watch her. It really makes our lives so much easier.

We bought a Bumbo at the Walmart in Evanston while on our way to the lake the last weekend before I went back to work. It was crazy then that she could sit in a bumbo, and is even crazier now that she doesn't wobble at all when she sits in it. She loves to sit on the kitchen table while we eat, except she thinks that she should be eating what we're eating also.
She was not excited for this photo shoot. She really hated me this day.
With me being back at work, Ruby would spend 2 days a week with Graham, Olivia and Millysa. She and Graham are going to be the best of friends, I just love it.
Probably my favorite onesie she owns. Thanks Kens.
I think we spent more time at the GTI while I was on maternity leave than we did at home. And as you can see, it didn't end when I went back to work. This is an outfit my sister Rachel sent me. She bought it in the Netherlands when she was pregnant with her first son, and both of her boys wore it. It totally passes as a girl outfit though, just added a bow! It says "I love Papa" -- Ruby wasn't cooperating with that hand, as you can tell.
Got this picture while at work one day from Kate who was watching her, in her cute new Vera Bradley dress. It will be super cute when it's not so big! :)
The cousins sure love holding this kid.
Addison is better when they're just holding hands. She seems to enjoy that a lot more.
Kati and I took some family photos for our Aunt and Uncle, and Ruby joined us in the Baby Bjorn. This is one of my favorites right now.
Some of my coworkers wanted me to bring Ruby in for lunch. Well...I live 20 minutes from my office, so I wasn't going to pick her up, be at the office for an hour, and then drive her home; so, she spent the afternoon at the office with me. And took a nap in this giant office chair we have just hanging out.
She is so obsessed with sucking on her hand. 4 MONTHS!
Look at that smile!! I melt.
She was totally flirting with Jenny's boyfriend when I took this.
The fact that I can lay her on this mat, and she plays by herself for an hour makes this the best thing we own. She is grabbing things all the time now, and is just growing up so much, I can't handle it. I really should blog on more of a regular basis, instead of just overloading it every once in a while. :)