Our anniversary this year was on a Monday, which made for a real exciting day. John and I both went to work, and then we went to dinner, our child in tow. I did come home to some gorgeous flowers though. In three different vases. Our house smelled wonderful! J had planned for us to go away for that weekend, just to the Anniversary Inn in Logan. Ruby was sent to the lake with my parents, so we were able to come over the mountain into Bear Lake to pick her up.

We were a little leery of "going away" to Logan. Is there anything to do in Logan? We found this really cool old restaurant though, on Main Street, that we were able to have dinner at, and great dessert! They have a old-fashioned bar where you can sit on a stool and eat an ice cream sundae, in the tall glass and all. That was pretty cool. It was within walking distance from the hotel so we were able to walk to and from, which was also nice. The Anniversary Inn has themed rooms, and our was the Presidential Suite, or something to that affect. We ended up deciding that it was how we wanted our master bedroom to be set up one day. We are such weirdos, but that is totally how we think! It was kind of funny; there were three TVs in the room, and every single one of them didn't have any volume, one didn't have a remote to change the volume, and one didn't have a remote at all! We had planned on watching a movie, and it proved to be more difficult than we planned. Ha.