Kati had John stand like this and wanted me to try and stand with my legs crossed. I couldn't do it, I couldn't stand up, which led to the next picture...
This became a favorite of course.
It's just too cute.
This is the one we used for our Christmas Card. It turned out so cute! Even though Rufus isn't looking at the camera, I don't even care because that is how Rufus is.
This one turned out awesome also.
I wanted to do a card with three pictures on it, but the only one Costco had had blue on it, and I knew that if I used a Christmas card with blue in it, then I would never hear the end from my father. So we went with a one-picture card.
It's just me.
I was looking at a photographer taking a couple's engagement pictures, and they were sitting at the meditation temple, sitting Indian-style, in the meditation pose.
I found it cheesy.
Also this month, of course, we put up our Christmas tree. I forgot how massive that thing is. As you can see, not all the lights work, and since the lights are pre-strung, it wasn't something we were about to try and fix. Oh well, we didn't mind it!
We celebrated Sara's 24th birthday with her and Chris and a couple other people. We went out to dinner at Chili's and this was our dessert. I had never had it before, but it was delicious!
We helped out with Mama Roos' work Christmas part.
Santa (aka Mr. Swensen) was HILARIOUS.
It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life.
Santa also visited Patty's house so that all the children and grandchildren could let him know what they wanted for Christmas...
...John asked for the Utes to beat Boise State, and I asked for my camera.
Neither of us got what we wanted.
On the 20th, John and I split up for the night.
I went to the grub to celebrate the Dubster's birthday, and John went to a mission companion's wedding.
Ben and Kate's wedding was in Heber, and was a sit down dinner, so it wasn't really possible for us to go both places in one night, and both events were very important to us.
This is the only picture John took from the wedding, and of course it was of Kate's dress. He knew I would want to see it; and I am very impressed.
Gorgeous girl, gorgeous dress.
Oh, Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at my parents' house with all the Grow's that wanted to come, and then we slept at my parents' and spent Christmas morning with them to open gifts and to eat the annual breakfast.
John got a new iPod along with other things, and I got a new iPhone along with other things. We are both very spoiled, but both very grateful.
We then went up to John's parents' house because David was calling from Mississippi, and we wanted to be there to chat with him. He's doing great, he's a zone leader, and currently in Clinton. He'll be home this time next year which is absolutely crazy to think about.
We then opened presents with all the Lawrence's, and once again, we're super spoiled. John's parents gave us a new wireless printer, new jump drives, earrings, clothes. John's mom painted this picture of a finch in oils that John loves, and so she gave him that. He also got a junior pottery wheel, it's made for like 12 year olds, but hey, he loves it already!
I also got things to start up a journal. Millysa had me for Christmas and John explained to her how I love her way of keeping a journal, and that she should get me some of that stuff. What she does it she buys the big journals from Deseret Book, and then she tapes in pictures when she writes things. Genius idea if you ask me, because pictures are so much more fun than just a bunch of writing, and then people who look at it years down the road will know what we looked like at that time! I just love it.
For Christmas from John, I got some new jeans, and leggings, which I knew I was getting because I bought them on black Friday. Ha.
But it was the cutest thing ever...John hands me a small box on Christmas day, and I open it...in it are my favorite pair of earrings that have been broken for almost the entire time we've been married.
He said "Since we don't have that much money, I decided I would make you a gift."
I cried.
It's the little moments like that that count people, I'm tellin' ya.

This was what I gave John for Christmas. He's wanted coveralls for when he works on his car, so I got him some grey ones, and then above the pocket we had his name embroidered.
He was stoked.
I couldn't be happier.
Overall, December has been a very busy, seriously stressful month. I love Christmas more than anything but at times it gets a little nerve wracking.
I have more pictures, well...Kati has pictures, and so I may post those as soon as I get some of them from her.
Starting a new year again this weekend, I can't believe it.
Really, where did the decade go?
I'm excited for another year, because you never know where it will take you.
Here's to 2011.
Oh, p.s. John and I have been married for 17 months, TODAY.
Almost a year and a half. Has it really been that long?