After a week in Bear Lake in July, Ruby and I spent a day in Park City with the girls. A much needed girls day, and night.

We spent the day at the pool, and Ruby was a champ. She absolutely loves the water, and even took a couple naps just out in the open. Kind of unheard of, so I loved it. I got burnt to a crisp, she stayed her pasty self. Probably because I was more worried about her burning, so I lathered her with a ton of sunscreen while I left myself exposed!

We ate and wandered Main Street, because, you have to. We made a stranger take pictures of us, and some man said he wanted to be carried around in the Baby Bjorn. We had to go to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, of course, and a woman in the store kept telling me how good of a baby Ruby was. Seriously, she told me like four times. Thank you ma'am, I'm aware. After Main Street we headed back to the Schmidt's condo and played some games.

Telestrations always ends in some really funny, and really awkward pictures. Mandy's drawing of a monkey eating a banana had to be documented. Especially after having her tell me, "Keep your mind clean with this one!"