On the 13th, the girls and I all headed up Emigration to Ruth's diner to have some girl time. I planned the dinner, and told the girls it was for Melissa and Marianne's birthdays, which are both that week, but I was planning (with Melissa) that I would tell them all that night that I was expecting. Except, I got too antsy and told them a week before that because I just couldn't hold it in anymore. So it turned into a celebration for two birthdays and a baby.
I love these girls so much. We decided that they are all going to be "third degree aunties" to Baby Lawrence, and I couldn't be happier that our baby will have such great examples around them! They all have expressed how excited they are for us, and how they want to come to the hospital to meet the baby as soon as he/she is born. (Btw, we find out the gender at 19 weeks, so 4 more weeks and we'll know if it's a he or she)!
I am so grateful for these six ladies, and am so happy that we keep in touch with each other even though life gets in the way. I know I can always count on them, and I love them all for that.
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