Wednesday, December 29, 2010
adventure with the Jells
Monday, December 27, 2010
We had a little family photo shoot at Memory Grove for our Christmas card.
It's just too cute.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
coming to an end
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
what a week
This could come as a TMI to all of you, so just be aware.
I woke Monday feeling a little cloudy, as John would say. He likes to compare moods to the weather.
Anyway, I stayed home from work, and stayed in bed, and nothing got better. It just got worse.
My body ached. It felt like I was cramping constantly, and I felt like I had to go to the bathroom ALL THE TIME. Oh, and not to mention it hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks when I actually was able to go to the bathroom.
So Tuesday morning comes along, and I end up staying home from work again. And I skipped both of my classes. I was just in so much pain. I didn't even mention that I was nauseated, and every time I attempted to stand up the room spun and I had to sit back down.
So as the day passed on Tuesday, the pain got worse, and worse, and worse. I finally decided I couldn't just get over this with cranberry juice/pills and water. I needed to go to the doctor. So I went to InstaCare. Peed in the cup, like they have you do, and my urine was almost straight blood. It was disgusting to say the least. So I go into the room, waiting for the doctor and that pre-throw-up feeling game over me and the room started to spin again. I got up and told the nurse I had to use the bathroom, I was going to throw up. I got to the bathroom and of course, didn't throw up, but I definitely almost passed out. I knelt down and was using the toilet to hold myself up. I've never felt that way ever, in my life. And if you know me, you know I'm sick, a lot.
So I go back into the room, waited for the doctor, who came shortly after, poked and prodded at my stomach and back, and then proceeds to tell me I have a bladder infection (oh really, sir? I couldn't tell). He said the infection was definitely into my kidneys i.e. the blood in the urine. So he prescribed me two different medications and sent me on my way. I almost didn't make it home, I was so woozy. Luckily, my mother talked to me almost the whole way there so I was safe, and didn't pass out at the wheel. Unfortunately, I took my meds as soon as I got home, except I hadn't eaten anything. Can anyone guess what happened next? It was AWFUL.I must say the medications have definitely help. Today I went back to work. But my back has hurt all. day. long.
John is really worried about me, so he's making me do everything possible to get rid of this bogus. He thinks I may have kidney stones, so tonight he made me do this remedy that his mother swears by.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
poor little guy..

We tailgated with Cousin Eddie. It was the first legit tailgate I'd been to and it's the only one I'd ever spend my time going to. The people were awesome, the food was awesome, I loved it.
cabin weekend
I took a really cool picture of his guitar, which actually ended up not turning out so I won't even post it. Made me a little sad though.

Utah v. Colorado State
happy 21st to me
Thursday, November 4, 2010
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf
He then went on to say that we should all love all of God's children also, but I don't have that exact quote.
Thank you President Uchtdorf, this is my thinking exactly and I needed so badly to hear it said.
I love everyone around me - gay or straight, black or white, male or female. The way you live your life is not going to change the fact that I love you all, and I am always there for anyone who is willing to ask.
Don't you forget it.
Please go away.
I've lost one of my best friends.
Going from talking every day to not talking at all isn't normal.
I know the reason it's changed, but I'm scared to say something.
The reason isn't going anywhere so I'm afraid I've lost them forever.
Pathetic, I know, but I cry about this a lot.
Other friends are going through hard times, and I wish I could fix it for them. I wish i knew the answer to this loaded question that has been pushing down on them forever.
Why can't everyone just get along and be happy.
One thing I have learned from this...I have the best parents in the world.
They have always supported me in everything, and let me be my own person.
I owe you everything for that.
Sorry to be such a Debbie-Downer.
It's been one of those weeks.
John thinks he did something every time he finds me crying in our bed.
He just wants me to be happy. What a fantastic person he is.
I think he also wishes that I would realize I can't do anything about these things, it's just life.
Life isn't fair.
I wish it were.